Artichokes are favorites in Jewish recipes in Italy.

HomeRecipesArtichokes are favorites in Jewish recipes in Italy.

Artichokes are favorites in Jewish recipes in Italy.

Artichokes are favorites in Jewish recipes in Italy. It is most famous as a snack when deep-friend. It is crunchy in the outside and buttery in the inside. Artichokes are versatile to prepare; it can be boiled, steamed, grilled, and now, we learn how to sous vide it. One big advantage with sous vide is that it does not water-log the artichoke. This happens when boiling, and the flavor is somewhat diluted. In sous vide, the artichokes are vacuum-sealed inside a bag before it is given the water bath. In essence, the flavors remain intact and the artichokes remain firm and intact.
Artichokes are common in Roman Jewish cuisine, particularly the all-time favorite Carciofi alla giudìa, which is deep-fried artichoke. This vegetable is harvested in the coastal areas north west of Rome from February to April.

If you are not used to cooking, much less eating this vegetable, it can be a bit puzzling. The portion of the plant that is edible is the flower buds before they bloom. Once they bloom, they become coarse and not suited for consumption.

Since it is a seasonal vegetable, there is abundance of it during its budding months, and you can go ahead stock up on your supply for use even after season. While this vegetable does not easily spoil, it is best to preserve its quality by vacuum sealing it inside food-grade vacuum bags. Before you put the artichokes in the bag, as they have uneven edges, it is best to wrap them with paper towels. You may then vacuum seal using a vacuum sealer. Read best vacuum sealer reviews 2016 for more information.

The flavors and the freshness are preserved up to 2 years. But you don’t really that long, because months after it is out of season, it will be harvest time again, and more artichokes may be enjoyed.